10-14 October 2016 | MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA

Highlights for Australia from the ITS World Congress High Level Policy Roundtable

19 September 2014


Australia was represented at the High Level Policy Roundtable by Australian Government General Manager of Land Transport Productivity Michael Sutton and Intelligent Transport Systems Australia President Brian Negus. 

Many of the national reports presented at the High Level Policy Roundtable brought promise of exciting new applications of technology, including pilot programs and test beds. These projects will be evaluated for ongoing development to be shared in future. 

Another important outcome of the Roundtable was the knowledge that the majority of country’s reports referred to "green ITS" with the aim of amplifying the environmental benefits that can be achieved through implementing ITS technologies. 

Here we share some of the information presented at the High Level Policy Roundtable. 

Ann Arbor Connected Vehicle pilot 

The Connected Vehicle deployment pilot at Ann Arbor is a major US Government and private sector partnership, which will help set standards for connected vehicles. It will also help define a number of the issues that need to be confronted over the next several years, including technology requirements, and legal and ethical positions. 

The initial technologies included in the pilot include in-car safety and mobility aids and emergency response. The deployment will also set the scene for autonomous or driverless vehicles. 

The concentration for the next several years will still be on more traditional traffic management, with stronger moves to multimodal integration and emergency management. 

Many countries are still building major road and public transport infrastructure, and are integrating intelligent transport systems as part of the construction. A key challenge in this time frame will be to ensure that the road systems are progressively enabled to facilitate vehicle to infrastructure communication systems. 

Singapore to satellite ERP system 

Singapore's gantry based Electronic Road Pricing congestion pricing system will move to satellite communications in the next few years. Data analysis has shown that a one percent increase in the charge leads to a 7% reduction in traffic. 

The key policy direction is to use pricing to alter behaviour aimed at reducing congestion and the overall cost of travel. A high standard public transport system is a key requirement to ensure the community’s mobility maintains its high level. 

Sustainable transport focus in Taiwan 

Taiwan has implemented electronic tolling on all motorways in Taipei and is investigating the requirements for facilitating V2V and V2I communication systems. There is also a very strong focus on sustainable transport in Taiwan with the implementation of public transport and bicycle systems. 

Efficiency drives in Europe and USA 

In much of Europe and parts of the USA, there is a drive to use ITS technologies to "sweat the asset" to reduce congestion and improved safety. Again for the near future, the key directions will be on managing the current systems better, while integrating new modes of transport. 

There is a mixture of technologies being pursued regarding the medium used for communications with fibre still being the dominant medium. Mobile satellite systems are being trialled or investigated. 

There are a number of trials and investigations into what is needed to ensure readiness for CITS and autonomous vehicles. Key social policy needs in these tests are to ensure that safety is not compromised and there is clear legal accountability. Governments need to establish a framework, which sets the scene for the implementation of ITS by the private sector. 

Japan is connecting 

In Japan connected vehicle and autonomous vehicle deployment are key policy directions for the Government. In-car systems are still a strong focus, especially the use of ITS initiatives to assist elderly drivers. 

China invests in infrastructure 

In China there are multiple ITS initiatives being implemented for existing roads and public transport systems in a large number of cities to improve traffic and transport management. There are also massive infrastructure projects being implemented in China, which include ITS to enhance and integrate operational outcomes. 


Further information:

Susan Harris 

Chief Executive Officer 

+61 (0)408 794 532 


Barry Oosthuizen 

Media Advisor 

+61 (0)413 185 135 



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